2'/3'-O-(2-Aminoethyl-carbamoyl)-adenosine-5'-(γ-thio)-triphosphate, labeled with DYQ 660, Triethylammonium salt

Catálogo Nº Apresentação Preço (R$) Comprar / Observação
NU-1609-660Q 50 μl (1 mM) Sob demanda Adicionar ao Carrinho
Structural formula of EDA-ATPγS-DYQ-660 (2'/3'-O-(2-Aminoethyl-carbamoyl)-adenosine-5'-(γ-thio)-triphosphate, labeled with DYQ 660, Triethylammonium salt)
Structural formula of EDA-ATPγS-DYQ-660
absorption spectrum of DYQ 660
absorption spectrum of DYQ 660

For general laboratory use.

Envio: shipped on dry ice

Condições de armazenamento: store at -20 °C
Short term exposure (up to 1 week cumulative) to ambient temperature possible.

Validade: 6 months after date of delivery

Fórmula molecular: C52H64N9O18P3S2 (free acid)

Peso molecular: 1260.17 g/mol (free acid)

Pureza: ≥ 90 % (HPLC), contains approx. 5 % EDA-ADP-dye

Forma: solution in water

Concentração: 1.0 mM - 1.1 mM

pH: 7.5 ±0.5

Propriedades espectroscópicas: λexc 660 nm, ε 109.0 L mmol-1 cm-1 (Tris-HCl pH 7.5) λexc 660 nm, ε 140.0 L mmol-1 cm-1 (Ethanol)

Please note: For reasons of stability, please make sure that the pH value of a solution of this product never drops below 7.0.

The limited stability of labeled ATPγS and GTPγS nucleotides makes it impossible to keep stocks of them and to offer them as catalog products that are available immediately.
Therefore, any labeled ATPγS or GTPγS is freshly prepared per order. For this reason the price is higher than for stable nucleotide-dye conjugates which can be synthesized and kept in stock.