m32.2.7GP3G (Trimethylated Cap Analog)


P1-(5'-2,2,7-trimethyl-guanosyl) P3-(5'-(guanosyl))triphosphate, Sodium salt

Catálogo Nº Apresentação Preço (R$) Comprar
NU-853-1 1 mgSob demanda Adicionar ao Carrinho
NU-853-5 5 mgSob demanda Adicionar ao Carrinho
Structural formula of m32.2.7GP3G (Trimethylated Cap Analog) (m32,2,7G(5')ppp(5')G)
Structural formula of m32.2.7GP3G (Trimethylated Cap Analog)

For general laboratory use.

Envio: shipped on gel packs

Condições de armazenamento: store at -20 °C
Short term exposure (up to 1 week cumulative) to ambient temperature possible.

Validade: 12 months after date of delivery

Fórmula molecular: C23H33N10O18P3 (free acid)

Peso molecular: 830.49 g/mol (free acid)

CAS#: 123212-20-4 (acid)

Pureza: ≥ 95 % (HPLC)

Forma: solid

Propriedades espectroscópicas: λmax 257 nm, λ 260 nm, ε 21.6 L mmol-1 cm-1 (Tris-HCl pH 7.5)

Referências selecionadas:
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